UOC Pediatrics and Neonatology, Italy

Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, G. Marconi University

Director, UOC Pediatrics and Neonatology, Italy


Dr. Mariano Manzionna received a high school degree in Bari at A. Scacchi Liceo Scientifico with the vote 58/60 in 1977. In the same year he attended the Medical and Surgeon School at Bari University getting a degree in Medicine and Surgery at Bari University in 21/7/1983 with the top marks and praise. After that he became a state-certified surgeon at Bari University in the Second Session (November 1983) with the top marks. After the specialty training in pediatrics he received a degree in training Pediatrics Hematology and Pediatric Clinic Immunology and Preventive at Bari University in November 1988.

He attended at the course “Accreditation Training Course for the excellence of Neonatology ” organized by the Italian Society of Neonatology in Bari on 18 October 2003 and at Appropriateness and Management for Operating Unit Direction – SIN Italian Neonatology Company”, in Scuola di Direzione Aziendale Bocconi in Milan from 25 to 28 October 2004.

From 1998 to 31 October 2000 he was “Responsible for the minimum intermediate care” equivalent at management role in basic unit of Neonatology Department at Azienda Ospedaliera of Policlinico in Bari.

Since 1 November 2000, he is supervisor of Simple Operating Unit of “Diagnostics and Therapy of viral desease (HIV, Hepatitis B, C, etc)” as manager in based department of Neonatology Department in Azienda Ospedaliera Policlinico di Bari, interesting above all in diagnostics and therapeutically management of all the newborns sons from women afflicted by HIV e HCV infection, and goes on since 1994, in outpatient follow up to the 24th month of life. In these years, he replaced repeatedly the chief (Prof.ssa A. Mautone) as a chief himself.

From 1 May 2007 he is chief of Unità Operativa Complessa di Pediatria e Neonatologia del P.O. di Monopoli and from 9 August 2016 chief of Unità Complessa di Pediatria e Neonatologia del P.O. San Paolo di Bari (ASL Ba).

Starting 1th October 2017 he has been a University Professor in “Health Care and Medical Science” at the University of Rome “Gugliemo Marconi”.

He attended in 2016/2017 at University Master of Level II Livello in Diritto, Economia e Management delle Aziende Sanitarie (DEMAS), XI edition at LUM University Jean Monnet – School of Management.

He has collaborated with the professors of the Institute of Normal Human Anatomy at the University of Bari during the AA1983 / 84. From 1987 to 1993 he conducted theoretical-practical exercises for students of the VI year of the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery. He taught Childcare at the School for Nursing Professionals of the Hospital "Fallacara" Triggiano (1993-94) and at School for Professional Nurses at "Cotugno" Hospital in Bari (1994-95). He taught Pediatrics at the Biennial Training Course for General Medicine (1994-95) at the Bari Hospital Clinical Hospital and held 4 Seminars of the Pediatric Area and two Territorial Medical Field Workshops at the "Fallacara" Hospital in Triggiano.

He was lecturer of Neonatology teaching at the year of Minor obstetrician admitted to Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Bari from AY '92 -93 to AY '96 -97, furthermore, part, as an actual component, of the Selection Board of the first year exam. He has been a professor of Preventive and Social Pediatrics at the University Degree in Obstetrician of Bari in AY '97 -98. He was a Neonatology professor at the Postgraduate School Diploma or at the headquarters of Bari from AY '97 -'98 to AA '02 -'03. From AA '03 -'04 to '06 -'07 he was a professor of Neonatology during the Triennial Bachelor of Obstetrics at the University of Bari. He was entrusted with the supplementary didactics at the I Pediatric Specialization School teachings of Pulmonology (III-IV year of course) from AY 1991/92 to 1993/94, Immunology from AY 1991/92 to 1997/98 (the year of course), Food and diet of the evolutionary age (III year course) from AY 1994/95 to 1997/98, Intensive Neonatal Therapy from AY 1994/95 to 1998/99 (IV year of course) and AY 2000/01 to 2002/03 (2nd year of course), General and Specialist Pediatrics (1st-year course) in AI 1998/99, Auxology (the year of course) in AY 2000/01, Neonatal Therapy (V year of course) from AY2000 / 01 to 2002/03.

He has been the speaker of 8 thesis of Obstetrician Degree and co-ordinator of 1 Thesis in Pediatrics with Neonatology address.