Registration Fee

UEMedical Healthcare Employees

(Danat Al Emarat Hospital, Healthplus & Moorfields Eye Center, Abu Dhabi)


UEMedical International Guests (By invitation only)


Late Registration

(1st November 2022 onwards)

AED 1,449 / USD 395
Nurse Registration AED 785 / USD 215
Student Registration AED 785 / USD 215
Emirates Medical Association Employees or Members

(20% Discount on Registration Fees)

AED 970 / USD 245

Payment Instructions

  • Payment is due in full at the time of registration and includes lunches, refreshments and detailed conference materials.
  • Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and may be subject to cancellation.
  • If a booking is received 10 working days before the conference a credit card number will be required to confirm your place, likewise if full payment has not been received before the conference date.